Amplitude Kickstarter Reaches Goal | PSNStores

Amplitude Kickstarter Reaches Goal

Posted by on May 22nd, 2014 | 6 Comments | Tags: ,

A few days ago, we gave some updates to the Amplitude Kickstarter. Today, with 21 hours left in the funding period, developer Harmonix has reached the Kickstarter goal $775,000.

The Amplitude project had a fast start over the first couple of days, but had stagnated in the past week or so. Over the past few days, the developer had promoted the game on YouTube and the PlayStation Blog, leading to the Kickstarter to have a steady growth in funds.


If funding reaches $1,125,000, then Harmonix will add head-to-head online multiplayer. The game supports asynchronous multiplayer, but head-to-head is only possible if the Kickstarter reaches $1,125,000.

There is less than a day to still contribute to the Kickstarter and many of the reward tiers are still open.