[UPDATED] 10tons announces Sparkle 2 coming to PS4 and Vita Cross-Buy | PSNStores

[UPDATED] 10tons announces Sparkle 2 coming to PS4 and Vita Cross-Buy

Posted by on May 13th, 2014 | 2 Comments | Tags:

Our friends at 10tons Ltd. have finally come out in an official capacity to announce the sequel to Sparkle, one of our top reviewed Vita puzzlers, is coming to Vita…AND PS4! Sparkle 2 will offer the option to use the touch pad on the DualShock 4 or the analog stick and physical buttons to play the game.

Sparkle 2 has been out on mobile platforms for a long time, but if we’ve learned anything from this developer, it’s that they can make quality puzzle games no matter the target platform. Expect it to arrive alongside a demo on May 20th/21st in the PlayStation Store for North America and Europe respectively. Furthermore, it’ll be a PS4/Vita Cross-Buy title for just $7.99.

UPDATE: I’ve gone and added a hands-on video of me playing the first 10 or so minutes of the game. This is not a spoiler in any way. It merely shows off the new touchpad controls on PS4 via the DualShock 4, and a tiny fraction of the amount of gameplay Sparkle 2 offers for $8 Cross-Buy.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]