Child of Light dated for PS3 and PS4
Posted by chat Annette and Ashley www.shensugor.com on February 6th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags: Child of Light , Ubisoft
Today Ubisoft announced a release date for Child of Light. The game is set for release on the PlayStation Network in North America on April 30th for both PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4 at $14.99.
Child of Light is an RPG inspired by classic Japanese RPGs. Players take young Aurora on a quest to return home after having been kidnapped. In her travels through the magical painted world of Lemuria, Aurora must also bring back the sun, the moon, and the stars being held against their will by the Queen of the Night.
Child of Light runs on the UbiArt engine, which has previously powered the recent 2D Rayman platformers. The game is currently in development at Ubisoft Montreal and takes its artistic inspiration from the works of Studio Ghibli, and Yoshitaka Amano.