Teslagrad coming to PSN for PS3 in 2014 | PSNStores

Teslagrad coming to PSN for PS3 in 2014

Posted by on December 4th, 2013 | 2 Comments | Tags:

Indie developer Rain Games is releasing a new 2D side-scrolling puzzle platformer called Teslagrad on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS on December 13th, but they want us all to know the PS3 version is on the way so long as we can hold out until 2014. Judging solely from the images below, Teslagrad looks amazing.

Having been in development for well over 2 years, Teslagrad is apparently the brainchild of Rain Games when the Norwegian studio was living in despair with little more than a rented desk and candles for heat. After receiving funding in 2011, they were finally able to devote more time to making the game and eventually showing it at conventions like PAX Prime 2013.

Teslagrad, if you couldn’t discern from the title, features the works of Tesla, specifically magnetism and electricity. The protagonist is a young boy who becomes involved in a forgotten conspiracy involving an evil king hellbent on power over his nation. The tale leads the boy through the Tesla Tower, filled with puzzles and platforms perfectly designed for his magnetic and electromagnetic powers.

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Over 100 hand-drawn non-linear environments inspired by a steampunk old Europe help unveil the story to the gamer. Take a look at the developers list of gameplay features:

  • Complex puzzles: Put your sense of logic to the test and cleverly manipulate the world around you using electricity and magnetism, the lifeblood of the game. Puzzles will range from “pff, that wasn’t so bad” to keyboard-smashing, controller-chewing frustration.
  • Explore: Make your way through rich 2D hand-drawn surroundings as you journey into — and beyond—  Tesla Tower, as you discover and use amazing new items.
  • Visual storytelling: Tired of all those words in your video games? Have no fear, Teslagrad features not a single snippet of text or squeak of dialogue. Everything is purely visual, and the entire story is told through what you see (and sometimes what you don’t see).
  • Steampunk powered: Discover a dystopic and mind-blowing rainy-and-brainy setting, presenting a steampunk vision of an old Europe-inspired new world.
  • Old-school boss fights: Use your skills and wits to overcome the 5 incredible final bosses eager to demagnetize you.
  • No disruptions! That means no loading screens, no GUI, no cutscenes. Just the game and you.
  • Mesmerizing soundtrack:  Awesome mix of classical orchestra,  with a touch of Russian inspiration and a myriad of metal bit and electrical stuff.

Rain Games hasn’t mentioned releasing the game on Vita or PlayStation 4 at this time. But their press site does reveal that the game will sell for $9.99/€8.99/£6.99 when it’s finally released for PlayStation 3. What do you guys think of Teslagrad? See any similence to other games? Be sure to follow Rain Games on Twitter for all the latest from them.