2 New TellTale Games Announced at VGX | PSNStores

Two New Telltale Games Announced at VGX

Posted by on December 7th, 2013 | 3 Comments | Tags: , ,

It seems that the people at Telltale Games never stop making video games. They took to the VGX stage today to announce 2 games, Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones. Tales from the Borderlands will take place in the same universe as Gearbox’s Borderlands series and will contain some of the same locations and characters, along with many new ones.

Not much was shown about Game of Thrones; all we know is that it will have something to do with HBO’s hit TV show. They will both be making their way to various platforms in 2014, and will be episodic titles, just like all of Telltale Games’ previous offerings.

Both games will also use the same ‘meaningful choice’ system that The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us did. Will you be experiencing Telltale Games’ new adventures when they hit digital store shelves next year? Leave your answer down in the comments below.