Hold me tight during this PC launch trailer for Outlast, still coming to PS4 | PSNStores

Hold me tight during this PC launch trailer for Outlast, still coming to PS4

Posted by on September 4th, 2013 | 3 Comments | Tags:

Red Barrels loves their survival horror games, and Outlast aims to prove this by scaring the crap out of all of us when it releases for PlayStation 4 later this year. Until then, you can play it on your PC through Steam and show Red Barrels your support for indie developers by buying it twice when the time comes.

This new trailer aims to celebrate the PC launch of the game. It also reminds me of how idiotic I looked when I jumped while playing Outlast on PS4 alongside Chris back at E3 2013. I sleep good at night knowing that he also jumped at those same moments in the demo.

Enjoy the trailer above and tell me, what’s your favorite survival horror game on any platform? Siren, Fatal Frame, Resident Evil maybe?