Worms Revolution Extreme Coming to PlayStation Vita This Year
Posted by angelcruz2241991 on July 18th, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags: Worms Revolution Extreme
Today, Team 17 took to the Playstation Blog to announce that its strategy game Worms Revolution will be coming to the PlayStation Vita, with plenty bells and whistles.
The Vita version will include 47 missions and and 25 puzzles spanning across 7 different environments. Multiplayer will make the jump, with four player online and local modes. The Vita’s touch screens are also going to be implemented to select and aim your weapons, too.
Worms Revolution Extreme will cross with the PS3 version of Worms Revolution in a few ways. A “Cross-Gifting feature” for treasure mode will allow you earn keys in online and offline versus modes, to unlock special items for you and your friends using a lock and key system. Also, a cross continuation feature will let you complete your single player missions on the go from your PS3 version of the game. Worms Revolution Extreme will hit the Vita sometime in Q3 2013. Will you be picking it up?