The Wolf Among Us Screenshots From Telltales Next Episodic Adventure
Posted by Nick K on May 10th, 2013 | 4 Comments | Tags: The Wolf Among Us
Telltale Games has been working on The Wolf Among Us based on Bill Willingham’s comic book series “Fables” and has released its first set of screenshots. Set to be another episodic adventure not unlike what we’ve played with The Walking Dead, Jurassic Park, Sam & Max, and Back to the Future.
The video game is said to detail the events before the first issue of the Fables comic book. Play as the lead, Bigby Wolf (aka The Big Bad Wolf), now the sheriff of an unknown community in the Big Apple, yup, New York City. That’s where it gets real, because Snow White has him running errands, keeping the peace amongst the riff raff of the make-believe as they all try to stay beneath the radar. The game features all sorts of characters from legend and lore, characters my daughter will likely recognize from all the bedtime fairytales I’ve read to her over the years.
Color me excited to learn more about this game, but more importantly to actually play it. To this effect, Telltale Games has unleashed a specific release date of some-time-this-summer, so mark your calendars with a fat permanent marker. Fortunately for us (and our readers), we’ll be at E3 to get more info on The Wolf Among Us and hopefully that fabled hands-on time. See what I did there?
Visit The Wolf Among Us official website and follow @telltalegames on Twitter.