Have A Look At Some Work-In-Progress Screens From Eufloria Adventures
Posted by Chris K on March 23rd, 2013 | 4 Comments | Tags: Eufloria Adventures
We haven’t seen much of Omni-Labs upcoming PlayStation Mobile title Eufloria Adventures, but we have talked about it in the past. It seems that the game is finally in a state that creator Rudolf Kremers is comfortable sharing some screens on his twitter account. Since I like you all so much, I have rounded them up for your easy consumption. Keep in mind that the game is still in early development so it may look different when it releases at a later date.
Here is a quick refresher on what the game is all about from the man himself during an interview we had with him last November:
The game is all about exploration and discovery. Rather than Eufloria’s strategic colonisation you control a single seedling ship this time. You go searching for hidden ancient artifacts within mysterious cave systems. The artifacts can be equipped to your ship and will perform various gameplay functions. Some will also provide story elements, and add to the overall mood of the game. You find that these artifacts are often well guarded however, so you need to learn to use your growing collection of artifacts strategically.
If we hear anything more on the game we will be sure to let you know.