Ripstone Hosts Knytt Underground Competition | PSNStores

Ripstone Hosts Knytt Underground Competition

Posted by on January 8th, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags:

Knytt Underground has 1,800 beautifully detailed “rooms” in the entire game and seven of them have been chosen as puzzle pieces. Are you interested in playing a game with Ripstone for some post holiday prizes?

If you answered yes then you’ve likely played through Knytt Underground or are eager to. Right now, Ripstone is hosting this Knytt Underground competition on Facebook to give some Knytt Underground prizes away.

The rules to this competition are simple: Take a look at the seven puzzle piece screenshots found here on the Ripstone Facebook page. Identify the area of the game each puzzle piece image was taken and then private message Ripstone your answers.

Just in case you were undecided about the game you can find our review of Knytt Underground here. Hit the source link below to visit Ripstone on Facebook and read up on their contributions to our digital game libraries.

[Source: Ripstone Facebook]