Alien Breed Trailer Shows Off the Old and the New | PSNStores

Alien Breed Trailer Shows Off the Old and the New

Posted by on January 30th, 2013 | 6 Comments | Tags:

We have posted previously that the original Alien Breed is making a jump from PlayStation Mobile to fully-fledged PS3 and Vita game via PSN. This new version of the classic top down will include all the features that PSM could not including online and local multiplayer, trophies, and leaderboards.

The trailer above shows off another fun feature, the ability to change the visuals between the classic 16 bit look and a more modern updated graphical appearance. Still no word about whether Alien Breed will be a #YOPO cross buy game or not, what price will be, or when in “early February” its coming exactly. My guess would be it’s coming out February 5th for $9.99 and will be Cross Buy entitled. What do you think?