Spend $60 on the PlayStation Store by November 27th, Get $10 Back
Posted by Nick K on November 23rd, 2012 | 8 Comments | Tags:
This deal has not been advertised anywhere was burried at the bottom of a post on the PlayStation Blog, and was not mentioned in the Turkey day PlayStation Blogcast episode. Right now through November 27th, if you spend $60 in the PlayStation Store you will get $10 PSN store credit back.
This deal is similar to the one that ran throughout the month of October, finally ending on November 1st; spend $100, get $20. Where else did I find out about this new deal? In the actual PlayStation Store on PS3, there are tiny advertisements for the deal on several pages. We also found the deal advertised on the Sony Entertainment Network website, though that may not be somewhere PlayStation fans frequent.
PSNStores is here to inform you that next Tuesday, November 27 will be the final day to contribute your purchases toward this deal. And on that day there will be several deals expiring as well as new deals joining the fray. One such deal is several first party Vita games will be seeing a price drop down to $17.99 for the digital download versions.
The Vita price adjustments aim to beat the standard retail prices (not Black Friday deals) many of these titles have received months prior. Hot Shots Golf, Little Deviants, MLB The Show 12, Mod Nation Racers, Reality Fighter, and WipEout 2048 were all mentioned in the PlayStation Blogcast episode 052 as being reduced to $17.99.