PSN Digital Codes Returning To Amazon.com [Update]
Posted by Curtis H on October 12th, 2012 | 6 Comments | Tags: amazon , PSN Digital Codes
Update: When asked if they will return to selling Digital Games and DLC, Tony from Amazon said, “Not at this time, selling these things like crazy will allow us to open those conversations though, at the very least.”
About a year ago PSN Digital Codes vanished from Amazon.com without much of an explanation. You used to be able to purchase PSN cards as well as game codes for PSN games directly through Amazon.
That option will be returning as the “Amazon Video Gamer” account stated over on NeoGAF:
Anyone else here excited about PSN digital codes coming back to Amazon?
You can now purchase PSN digital codes for $20, $50 and a subscription to PlayStation Plus (3 months or 1 year).
[Thanks Wario64]