New ‘Treasure Park’ Patch Provides Endless Treasure Sheets | PSNStores

New ‘Treasure Park’ Patch Provides Endless Treasure Sheets

Posted by on October 9th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Tags:

Treasure Park has been one of my go to games during this slow release period on Vita. Today a new patch came out that might address an issue some players have been finding, no Treasure Sheets.

Thanks to version 1.01 you can now have an endless supply of sheets. Now you won’t be racking up points playing these (you will only get +2pts per gem find), but you can definitely hone your puzzle solving. You will also see any sheets that your friends upload to near regardless if they send them to you or not.

Some quick tips to become a Treasure Park master:

1. Pay attention to the colors. Try to visualize where the different items are based on patterns on the sheet.
2. Look for places you know that will be safe. There are 5 colors and only 4 items. There will always be a safe color.
3. The small circles are your friend. Once you tap a square, it will let you know what surrounds it. Blanks have the small cirlces and the chests will have an item.
4. Remember to check “near”. I find about 1 or 2 maps a day just by checking in near. More maps = more points.

Follow these simple tips and you might one day be as good as Shuhei Yoshida. If you haven’t already you can download Treasure Park for free from the PlayStation Store on Vita.