Let’s Fish: Hooked On Q and A with PSNStores | PSNStores

Let’s Fish: Hooked On Q and A with PSNStores

Posted by on October 28th, 2012 | 13 Comments | Tags:

PSNStores is excited to be in talks with Wired Productions to bring you a Q&A about Let’s Fish: Hooked On before its inevitable North American catch and release. As much as I’d love to tell you what I know about the game, I’d instead like to take a moment of your World Series weekend to find out what you’d like to know.

Reply to this post, send us a tweet (@psnstores), or send an email with your question or questions you’d like to ask Wired Productions or SIMS directly. We will pick only the best questions of course and I will give be sure to give credit to those contributors, so you be sure to include some sort of name or handle to refer to you as.

Let’s Fish: Hooked On will be the Vita’s first official fishing game and is being prepped and baited for a November release in North America. Its been developed by SIMS, also known for their work on Sega Bass Fishing, and was originally released in Japan with artwork by the Japanese anime artist Poyoyon Rock.