Jazz: Trump’s Journey Trumpets Toward a 2012 EU Vita Release
Posted by Nick K on September 4th, 2012 | 1 Comment | Tags: Jazz: Trump's Journey
Jazz: Trump’s Journey was awarded with the 2012 Best Video Game of the Year prize by the French Ministry of Culture and is headed toward European Vitas before the end of the year thanks to Egg Ball Games and Bulkypix.
Whether or not this game sounds familiar to you may depend on if you carry with you a cell phone newer than 1932, something along the lines of an iPhone or Android. Jazz: Trump’s Journey has made its home on these two devices and has proven itself to be not only a solid platforming experience, but also a “beautiful game.”
Take a look at the video embedded above to see the intro to the game. Trump’s Journey is filled with smooth jazz written and produced specifically for the game. This is a basic platformer with jazzy art and fun level design. Your character will run and jump to collect music notes.
No word as to whether or not Jazz: Trump’s Journey will come the North America, though we’ll be surprised if it doesn’t given the game’s presence on App Store and Google Play Store.
[Source: EU PlayStation Blog]