Vita Firmware 1.80 Allows You To Control PSP Games With Touchscreen | PSNStores

Vita Firmware 1.80 Allows You To Control PSP Games With Touchscreen

Posted by on August 27th, 2012 | 8 Comments | Tags:

Not mentioned in today’s PlayStation Blog post about Vita firmware 1.80 is the ability to control PSP games by using the touch screen. As seen in these shots below you can now assign different controller inputs to the corners of the Vita touch screen.

[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/vita/180/” num=”2″]

While this is something I would probably never use, it is still great to have the option available. Sony also seems to have added support to map the Right Stick to the L and R buttons. We will be on the look out for more stealth features added via 1.80

H/T Andrefpvs