LittleBigPlanet 2 Cross Controller Support Wills U to Play With Two Screens
Posted by Nick K on August 21st, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: LittleBigPlanet 2
Its subtle, but did you see what I did there in the title? Sony announced Cross Controller functionality for the PS Vita at this years Gamecom event in Germany and it was one of the many well received announcements made by Sony’s execs.
The ability to use the Vita as a PS3 controller with additional input devices such as front and rear touch, front and rear cameras, and a second screen is nothing new. But is it possible for Sony to rattle the “innovative” feathers of the great and powerful Nintendo?
During Gamescom, LittleBigPlanet 2 was demoed with the Cross Controller functionality in play. The Vita was used as the primary controller in a single player game session. With the second screen, Sackboy was able to see hazards that were not visible on the big screen. The front touch screen was later used to drag and drop large obstacles to clear the path and make a new one.
Making platforms appear or disappear was accomplished by tapping them toward you with the rear touch pad, or tapping them away with the front touch screen. Sackboy then jumped into a box and was carried through a narrow maze of deadly walls which demonstrated the precision of the Vita’s touch screen and the solid connection with the PS3.
The closing act involved the PS3 game sending all of the LBP action to the Vita’s screen. It was a full blown LBP experience by way of Cross Controller support and no installed game on the Vita. So what does this mean for the future of games on PS3? It just means that developers now have the tools to add Vita to the mix with all the capabilities of Cross Controller support if they so choose to, similar to the way that the motion controls of the PS Move were enabled.
Cross Controller support will arrive in a LittleBigPlanet 2 DLC pack sometime later this year. LittleBigPlanet 2 is still a free downloadable game to add to your Instant Game Collection if you are a PS Plus subscriber. We will definitely keep you updated on the state of Cross Controller support when more details are officially announced.