Don’t Blame SCEE For The Lack Of Closure | PSNStores

Don’t Blame SCEE For The Lack Of Closure

Posted by on August 29th, 2012 | 1 Comment | Tags:

Closure launched on US PSN in March, and since then its been a slow and frustrating wait for the game to launch on PSN in the EU. Speaking to Eurogamer, Tyler Glaiel shed some light on the situation, stating that “”I didn’t think it was going to take that long to get the European version done. I figured that it would take around the same amount of time or a little quicker than it took us to get stuff done with SCEA.”

However, Glaiel unfortunately didn’t take the delay associated in time zones in to account, saying “When you’re doing contracts and PEGI ratings you have to e-mail a lot because there’s a lot of questions, but when you can’t send eight e-mails a day and get responses, that’s stretched out to a week already.” The game does now have a PEGI rating, but months have passed and the game is now set to launch on Steam. Sales on PSN weren’t quite what Glaiel and the rest of Eyebrow Interactive were hoping for, so Steam’s indie dev promised land seemed a safer bet for the developer, which is entirely understandable considering the global nature of the platform.

Glaiel says, however, that “Sony has been nice to us and they’re improving. They’ll be ones to look out for in the next generation.” So, it would appear the experience hasn’t entirely soured him on console development. As the game was self-published on PSN, look for a price drop in the near future to match the Steam version’s price point of $10.

If you haven’t picked up the game in the US yet, that price seems like a great deal. As for the EU version? “Most of the work is done, so I do plan on finishing that up sometime this year.” I look forward to buying the game myself when it does come out here.