Seizure Meds On Standby – Dyad Is Coming Out On July 17th | PSNStores

Seizure Meds On Standby – Dyad Is Coming Out On July 17th

Posted by on July 9th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags:

That is right everyone Dyad, the musical action racing puzzle jelly squid tube running simulator, will be hitting the PlayStation store next week. For a price of $14.99 (with a %20 discount for PlayStation Plus members) you will be able to experience this mind-melting trip.

At full 1080p and 60fps you will probably either: A) lose your mind while playing or B) become one with the universe and transcend human existence, platinum trophy included.

[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/images/dyad/july2012/” num=”10″]

We have a grip of vouchers to giveaway closer to launch so be sure to watch the site and our Twitter account.