Quantum Conundrum DLC Coming In August & September | PSNStores

Quantum Conundrum DLC Coming In August & September

Posted by on July 24th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags:

The best thing about Quantum Conundrum are the puzzles. The game has its problems but for the most part the puzzles are where it is at. And today it has been announced that Quantum Conundrum will be getting just that, more puzzles.

Starting this August Quantum Conundrum will be getting 2 DLC Packs, “The Desmond Debacle” and “IKE-aramba!”. If you have played the game already you might have noticed that the trophies for these are all ready in the game, each packs 5 bronze trophies to earn. These DLC packs will run you $2.99 each when they are released.

The Desmond Debacle is all about everyone’s favorite Drinking Bird Desmond. Puzzles involving this bird were actually some of my favorites. It will be coming to PSN on August 14th.

[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/images/quantum/desmond/” num=”6″]

IKE-aramba! has you trying to rescue that loveable interdimension entity IKE. This one has you jumping “seemingly endless chasms” so I am not sure if that is something I want. It will be released on September 11th.

[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/images/quantum/ike-aramba/” num=”5″]