JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure HD Ver Is Now A Thing
Posted by Ben on July 16th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure HD
Ok, i’ll admit that I have almost no idea what JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is. I know that its an Anime, and I know that the fighting game based on the series was pretty darn popular among fighting game fans when it was first released back on the Dreamcast.
So, it would appear that Capcom is doing those fans a favour by re-releasing the game digitally on August 21st on PSN. The new version will retain the Dreamcast’s online multiplayer, albeit updated for modern consoles, featuring, according to the press release, “an online matching system fans will recognise from Super Street Fighter® IV and Marvel® vs. Capcom® 3.” I’m not sure if that is a promise or a threat, but at least the game will come with a fully featured online suite, including a replay viewer that allows players to share their best fights online.
[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/images/jojo/” num=”6″]
The game may retail for $19.99 on PSN when it launches, but you can bet that’ll be down to relicensing the characters for a home console release. Those rights don’t come cheap, you know.