PSNStores Needs Your Help [Help Wanted]
Posted by Chris K on May 11th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Tags: Hiring
PSNStores is continuing to grow and with it is the need for another person or two to help with posting news on the site.
The following is what we’re looking for from a Reporter:
The PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Vita is your go to gaming system. We really need someone who has a pulse on the PlayStation community.
You also should love to play PSN games. We don’t really care about Mass Effect 3 or Grand Theft Auto here, you can go to a million websites to hear about that. We want someone who knows the Funky Lab Rats, Alien Spidys and Rainbow Moons.
Ideally we want someone who will be around to post news when it happens. We already have a bunch of people who can post at their leisure.
Be able to find stories. While regurgitating PR releases happens, what we really need is someone who can find news that is not anywhere else. Do you love to follow developers on Twitter and Facebook? Do you read developer blogs and official forums? That is the kind of person we are looking for.
Also some basic image editing will be needed. So if you know your way around GIMP/PhotoShop that is a plus.
This position is NOT paid. It will however give you a place where your writing is published. Also if you are a cool guy a few games here or there later down the line might come your way.
If you’re interested in the position be sure to hit up Chris with some writing samples/previous work. If you don’t have any, that is fine. But if that is the case, be sure to win me over with your email.