EU PSN Store Gets Pre-Order and Pre-Loading Functionality With Sorcery
Posted by Curtis H on May 16th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: Sorcery
While you’ve been able to pre-order games before through PSN you’ve never been able to actually download the game itself early. In the past we’ve had the opportunity to pay in advance and then download the game once it released on the PSN store. As of today that looks like it might be changing. The EU PSN updated today with the option to not only pre-order Sorcery (out next week) but to also pre-load the game so that it’ll be downloaded and ready to go come next week. If you use Steam at all you’ll know that this is very similar to how that works.
Currently Sorcery is the only game that you can do this with now. What games might allow for this in the future and if this will come to the US PSN store is currently unknown. Either way this is a cool new feature and hopefully is a sign of things to come.
[Source: TheSixthAxis]