Double Dragon: Neon Is Glitzing Up PSN | PSNStores

Double Dragon: Neon Is Glitzing Up PSN

Posted by on April 4th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Tags:

In an announcement today on IGN, it appears that Wayforward and Majesco are continuing their 2D, loving relationship with a new instalment in the Double Dragon franchise. Double Dragon: Neon is a familiar tale, with Jimmy and Billy fighting to save a woman from a vilain, who in this title is called Skullmageddon. I’ll let that name sink in for a second.

Of course, the game appears to be pure Double Dragon, with the brothers punching, kicking, and indeed using weapons in order to get their girl back. Apart from that, we only have vague hints from IGN’s preview of the visuals and soundtrack, both flaring up with an 80s sheen, and something called “mix tapes”. Apparently this is a grid-like system in which players can earn upgrades, with which they can presumably hit things in the face even harder. Sadly, all the assets for the game have watermarks on them, so you’ll be seeing those when we can get our hands on clean versions of them. For now, here’s a bunch of images from the film.


Double Dragon: Neon is out in July.


Update: Majesco has launched the official site for the game, with the official logo! Here’s some dragons;