ModNation Racers: Road Trip PSBlog Chat Recap
Posted by Eric G on January 11th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: ModNation Racers: Road Trip , PSVita
There was a live chat on the PSBlog with Vernon Mollette II, the producer on ModNation Racers: Road Trip.
Here’s a recap of the more interesting questions/answers:
Comment From Wingus:
Load times were an issue in the PS3 version of Modnation. Has this been improved on the PS Vita?
Vernon: For MNR we spent a LOT of time and energy to ensure that our loadtimes were improved. With the Vita being such a powerful handheld device, and so great to develop on, we were able to greatly improve them!Comment From Nymo:
I hear that everything created on the PS3 game can be played on the Vita version. Can you share Vita-made levels to PS3 players? Do rewards you’ve unlocked transfer between the two games?
Vernon: Hey Nymo! Yeah what you hear is true! On day 1 when you pop open MNR on Vita, you have access to the nearly 3 million creations from PS3! That’s all tracks (over half a million) and all those karts and Mods!Comment From Nymo:
Does Road Trip make use of the Vita’s “Near” application?
Vernon: Let’s talk about a NEAR a sec! We utilize NEAR by distributing unlockables based on players locations and time they were at the location. This also will be used to virally spread unlockables earned through Mod Explorer!
Here’s where things get questionable:
Comment From Guest:
will modnation racers: road trip have online competitive multiplayer?
Vernon: We focused really heavy on a feature that we’re calling Mod Explorer that includes a TON of online features…including a worldwide collection of assets by checking into different locations, both by you and even a community feature that unlocks items globally! There is a lot in this that you should keep an eye of for (cause it’s HUGE!)…Not to mention our Ad-Hoc Head to Head play!Comment From Nymo:
Is it possible to have local adhoc multiplayer with just one copy of the game or does everyone have to own Road Trip?
MVdor (Mark Valledor: ModNation Specialist): Sorry, adhoc multiplayer will require everyone to get a copy, but once you do, we guaranttee it’ll be well worth it!Comment From Zyketor:
The PSP version had 6 player Infrastructure Online multiplayer, but according to the official box for MNR: RT, it only supports ad-hoc, no online multiplayer (racing, not sharing). Can you please give us a for sure answer as to if Road Trip has online via infrastructure racing, not just sharing?
Vernon: Hey Zyketor, we are supporting Ad-Hoc however not infrasructure as in Head to Head. With all of the other online features though, Ghost Laps, Regional Leaderboards with times beat notifcations, etc. We went with more of an Asynchronous online feature set that is really robust! We’ll share more about all of these online features as we get closer to launch!
So it seems the game definitely supports Ad-hoc multiplayer, but online infrastructure racing is up in the air. I’m not drawing any conclusions just yet, but if this multiplayer racing game on a fully capable multiplayer handheld device doesn’t support multiplayer, a lot of people are going to be unhappy, myself included. I missed out on the PS3 MNR party because I couldn’t deal with the loading times, but I was looking forward to Road Trip. My expectations haven’t quite been washed away, only watered down.