MotorStorm RC Announced For Vita and PSN
Posted by Ben on November 22nd, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags: MotorStorm
Here I was thinking a HD Remake of Rayman 3 was going to be the only thing of note today. Amongst other announcements, Sony just announced a new downloadable MotorStorm game for both Vita and PSN. Called MotorStorm RC, the game puts a new twist on Sony’s racing franchise… by shrinking it. Yep, you’re going to be playing as RC cars in this one. Taking place in what seems to be environments from all of the series, the game looks like some fast simple fun.
Of course, the game itself is only part of the announcements. When you purchase MotorStorm RC, you’ll get both versions of the game, so PS3 and Vita, and you’ll be able to transfer your progress between the two. The press release mentions DLC and expansion packs planned for after launch, so one can hopefully assume that those are going to fit under the same banner, in much the same way that costumes bought in LittleBigPlanet on PS3 will be wearable in the Vita version.
Enough of me though, here’s a trailer for MotorStorm RC, which will be available at the launch of Sony’s new handheld.