Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue X-Men Table Announced | PSNStores

Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue X-Men Table Announced

Posted by on October 15th, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags:

Today during a panel at New York Comic Con, the next table for Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue was announced. Previously we had only see the Ghost Rider table which was announced earlier in the week. Below you can check out what the X-Men have in store for Magneto.

Also it was announced this week that Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue would be a launch title for the PlayStation Vita. Zsolt Kigyossy, Managing Director at Zen Studios, said this week on the PlayStation Blog that they are using pretty much all of the features of the Vita. He stated, “Marvel Pinball is making full use of PS Vita’s coolest features, including both front- and back-panel touch support, gyro sensor, accelerometer and last but not least, cross-platform functionality with PSN.”

I am looking forward to playing this on the Vita more so than the PS3. How about you?