MUTANT BLOBS ATTACK! PlayStation Vita | PSNStores


Posted by on August 24th, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags: , , ,

The Blobs are back! Drinkbox Studios have announced that they are working on a new game in the Tales From Space universe.

Titled Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!, you are back in control of those cute gelatinous blobs. The game will feature new levels, new powers, and even a new Blob character. I guess the green and orange ones got some time off.

“The control systems available on the PlayStation Vita have allowed us to experiment with all kinds of new gameplay possibilities. We’re finding that touch controls in particular can be used to complement traditional thumb-stick puzzle-platforming very well”, said DrinkBox Designer Chris McQuinn. He added: “We learned a lot developing our first game – we want to use that experience to deliver the best game we can in Mutant Blobs Attack.”

If you are going to PAX this weekend, be sure to check the game out. They are even running a competition where the winner gets in the game! Eric and I will be checking this one out for sure, so stay tuned.