Section 8: Prejudice Out 26 July! | PSNStores

Section 8: Prejudice Out 26 July!

Posted by on July 13th, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags:

About time! Looks like we’ll finally be falling out of that drop ship on the 26th.  Prejudice will run us NA folks USD 14.99.  Ben and company over in Europe can snag it for £12.99 on the 27th.

Will the wait be worth it?  We’re scoring some free stuff for our patience; two extra multiplayer modes: Assault and Skirmish.  According to Playstation blog, we’re also in store for:

For the first week, anyone who purchases Section 8: Prejudice on the PlayStation Network will receive the Blitz Armor Pack and Overdrive Map Pack for free! This includes two armor skins, early unlocks, and two additional multiplayer maps.

The first 1000 PlayStation Plus subscribers to purchase Section 8: Prejudice will receive the exclusive in-game Hunter Armor as well as a free copy of the original Section 8.

We here at PSNstores have been excited for this title to drop since well before the network outage.  Can’t wait to get our hands on it.