Tetris on PSN Goes 3D | PSNStores

Tetris on PSN Goes 3D

Posted by on June 14th, 2011 | 1 Comment | Tags: ,

Do you have a 3D television and a pair of compatible 3D glasses? Have you wanted to play Tetris in 3D? Well now you can. According to EA Mobile’s Christophe Gomez (via the PlayStation Blog) when you fire up your copy of Tetris you’ll be prompted to download a 75 MB file which will enable 3D for Tetris. How many tetraminos are in 3D now? Trick question…the answer is all of them! The update is being made available in North America and Europe. No word has been given regarding updates to the Asian store versions of Tetris. But, as always, keep it here for all your Tetris related news.


Source: PlayStation Blog