Grip Games Teases With More Details on One Epic Game…and Also Sends a Teaser
Posted by Vivas on May 29th, 2011 | 3 Comments | Tags: Alpha Dog , Grip Games , Minis , One Epic Game , PS3
Sorry for the Alex Navarro style, run-on title, but developer Grip Games has sent over some more details on their previously teased ‘epic‘ game now known to be titled One Epic Game. And with Chris gambling away PSNStores in Altantic City, its up to me to report it to you <dun dun dun!>
Grip is calling One Epic Game an action platformer where players take control of the main protagonist, Alpha Dog. The mini, which has now been given the release window of July 2011, is a side-scrolling, perpetual motion game where Mr. Dog will be tasked with dealing with enemies. What enemies? Well the enemies are as diverse as the settings according to Grip. “There are aliens, zombies, fantasy, nuclear wasteland and World War II in this game, effectively making it the “most epic game” ever made.” said Grip in their fact sheet.
The story is also outlined in the same document. According to Grip Games, “Alpha Dog, a typical muscle action hero, chases the main villain across all the game’s levels, while they exchange dialogues full of humor, referencing other popular games, movies and clichés and breaking of the “fourth wall” between the game and the player.” One Epic Game also uses randomly generated levels to keep the player guessing each time.
To me, the game looks like a mashup of Contra and Tetris with elements of Mario thrown in (you can jump on dudes to kill them). At the same time, if the game stays true to its description and pays homage to previous games and movies it could be pretty funny in the same way that Super Meat Boy was. As the July release draws nearer Grip has promised to keep us posted. Personally, I’m not sure what to make of it at this point. More importantly, I’m not sure we’ll still have a website in July if Chris’s trip to Atlantic City should go south.