Slam Bolt Scrappers Release Date (!!!!!!!)
Posted by Eric G on March 2nd, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags: Fire Hose Games , Release , Slam Bolt Scrappers
Anticipate the Ides of March. Julius Caesar got stabbed 23 times back in 44 B.C. Lucky for you, something quite different is happening this time around. On March 15th, Slam Bolt Scrappers will be releasing on the North American PlayStation Network for the price of $14.99 (you European folk with your weird outlets will have to wait until the 16th). As Eitan promised us on the podcast, there will be a demo for that one guy in the corner who’s doubting if this work of art is worth his 1,500 cents. You know who you are. Saddle up, Chuck, cause Slam Bolt Scrappers is going to make you want to Slam Bolt Slap the Alzheimers out of your great grandmother. Call up your friends, too, tell ’em to bring a DualShock and a 12-pack of Mt. Dew, cause this game’s multiplayer is all-nighter friend-fighter worthy. I can’t wait to go hands-on again at PAX in less than two weeks, and it makes me warm inside to know that when I get back from Boston the game will be on my non-test-kit, regular-old-PS3.
For some of the extensive coverage we have up on the site, check out this here link: Slam Bolt Scrappers.