HOARD Dev Promises “News” This Monday | PSNStores

HOARD Dev Promises “News” This Monday

Posted by on March 4th, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags: , ,

Tyler Sigman, Design Director for Big Sandwich Games, mentioned a few interesting tidbits over Twitter about what to expect from the studio in the near future. More specifically, he claimed the studio would be releasing some “news” this Monday (March 7th, 2011) concerning “Europe, PS3, and PSP.”

We can assume this news involves the European debut of HOARD, the fire-breathing princess-snatching dragon action stratecade game on PS3. Big Sandwich Games has also made no secret of the fact that a PSP version of the game is in the works. Hopefully, Monday’s announcements will shed some light on when we can expect to see these two anticipated releases.

Also, Tyler explicitly mentioned that he was pitching a game to others at GDC, which he described as “the spiritual successor to HOARD.” As someone who loved the first game, I cannot wait to see what Big Sandwich Games has in store for their next offering.

Stay tuned to the site, as I am certain a news editor who does not have a day job like myself will be around to break the news on Monday.

[Source: Tyler Sigman]

Note: This is the site’s 1337th post. w00t!