PixelJunk Shooter 2 Out This March
Posted by Elle on February 10th, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags: PixelJunk , PixelJunk Shooter 2 , Q-Games
Good news everyone, PixelJunk Shooter 2 is out in the first week of March.
The dates are as follows:
NA: March 1st
EU: March 2nd
JP: March 3rd
There is no date for Hong Kong, but I am pretty sure it will be the 3rd or the 4th. Eric and Chris both got some hands-on time with the game back at PAX, you can see some video of that at the bottom of the post. Sadly there is no word on the price, but with all other PixelJunk games being $9.99 hopefully that is a sign at what we will be paying for Shooter 2.
[Source: US PlayStation Blog]