Slam Bolt Scrappers Character Naming Extravaganza | PSNStores

Slam Bolt Scrappers Character Naming Extravaganza

Posted by on January 20th, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags: ,

The Fire Marshalls over at Fire Hose Games have launched a brand spankin’ new site where fans of their upcoming PSN game Slam Bolt Scrappers can go to do tons of fun stuff. The game is almost done, but the team needs help! Check out the poll they’re running which allows you to vote on the names of two playable characters in the game. Here, just click this words-link. The two characters you’ll be naming are:

To hold you over, we have some exciting press materials to throw your way. Enjoy!

Did anybody notice something sneaky going on at about 10 seconds into the Masked Menace video? Poof, vamoose!