Paranormal Table Coming to ZEN Pinball
Posted by Eric G on October 5th, 2010 | 2 Comments | Tags: dlc , Screens , ZEN Pinball , ZEN Studios
Yet another table is set to release in the near future for ZEN Studio’s stellar pinball title ZEN Pinball. The Paranormal table is chock-full of shrills and thrills, perfect for this time of year. Zsolt Kigyossy, the Managing Director for ZEN Studios said of the table, “We just let our imaginations run wile and created one of the spookiest pinball tables ever!” For real, though, he actually said that.
Some of the tables features include a rotatable mini playing field with four different mini games, supernatural event occurrences, and cryptic gathering of creepy creatures. It’s the worlds first pinball table with 10 flipper bats, so you know it’s good. As always, the game will add 4 trophies to the game, making it all the more difficult to keep this title at 100% completion.
Look for the Paranormal table on October 19th in North America and October 20th in Europe. Though a price isn’t listed, I’m sure it’ll run for the standard $2.49. This pinball game will never get old, it seems. Thanks, ZEN!