Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath hits PS3 next Easter
Posted by Ben on September 3rd, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: Oddworld , Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
VG247 confirmed this morning that Just Add Water, creators of Gravity Crash, and recently revealed as the company behind the reintroduction of Oddworld to the gaming populace, has been very busy indeed.
This busyness has taken the form of a PSN version of Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath, due out next Easter on the PSN store. This game marks the franchise’s first new installment released on the PlayStation family of consoles since 1998, as Stranger’s Wrath was previously an Xbox exclusive.
The game will be released next Easter in 720p, with normal mapping, self shadowing, remastered dialogue and other current gen bells and whistles. The game will also have Move support, and other “additional material” (Just Add Water isn’t saying anything about what that means just yet).
This was one of my favorite games from the last generation of consoles, so I’m happy to see it making a triumphant return. What about you?