Crazy Coconut Dodge Contest – Rules
Posted by Chris K on September 20th, 2010 | 19 Comments | Tags: Coconut Dodge , FuturLab , Giveaway
If you listened to the podcast this week, I am sure you have a vague idea of how this will work. But in case you didn’t (who are you and why are you on the site…) here is how things will be going down.
On Wednesday, September 22, at 1:00 pm (PDT) I will put up the contest page. There will be a list of 50 states, and to get entered all you have to do is post a comment on that page. I will check the IP from where you are posting from to verify the location, and if it is from a state without a winner you will get an email from me with a code to redeem. Simple as that! I hope it is obvious that you need to be a US resident to win at this portion.
If by Friday we don’t have a winner for some states, I will be posting trivia questions about those states. The winner then just has to answer the question to get the code! For this part any one can try to win a code, this means you Canada and everywhere else.
So I hope everyone is ready for this, see you on Wednesday. I would like to thanks the awesome people over at FuturLab for letting us run this contest, follow them on twitter and try to beat their coconut dodge scores once you get a code!