New Details: Under Siege
Posted by Chris K on August 3rd, 2010 | 1 Comment | Tags: Seed Studios , Under Siege
Our friends over at iWaggle3D recently interviewed Seed Studios about their upcoming PSN game Under Siege. While I suggest you read the full interview, here are some details I would like to point out.
The game can be rendered in full 1080p, but if you are playing at 720p it uses the same type of anti-aliasing as God of War III.
This game also has pretty much every feature a PSN title can have (it probably has more than most 1st party titles).
We tried to included every feature the PS3 supports that made sense to our game. Nothing has been removed from the planned features and we added some in the extra time we had.
On the XMB side we support custom soundtracks, taking screenshots at any time (even on the menus or editor) and bootable invites (you can boot directly into Under Siege from another game when you receive an invite).
In game options also include video recording, split screen multiplayer and of course Move support.
On a more technical side, we support 1080p output and MLAA (for those that don’t know, this is the kind of anti aliasing used in God of War 3) when in 720p mode.
To find out more about how the game uses the PlayStation Move or stuff about the level editor check out the full interview here. I will probably set up an interview of our own after the team’s announcement on August 11th.
[Source: iWaggle3D]