Hong Kong Store 07/22/10
Posted by Chris K on July 23rd, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: HK Store
Last Week’s Update
Games from many regions appear on this store. The flag icons indicate the language of the game.
Tank Battles (103 MB)
Tank Battles (HK$ 54.00)
Gravity Crash Portable (HK$ 78.00)
Great Battles of Rome (HK$ 79.00)
Arcade Darts (HK$ 31.00)
History Egypt Engineering an Empire (HK$ 30.00)
Monopoly (HK$ 39.00)
Ar Tonelico 3
The Binary World Add-on Vol 2 (HK$ 16.00)
Harvestasya Personality Changing Patch “Dorodere” (Free)
Hustle Kings
Crazy Tables: Basement City (Free)
Crazy Tables: Hex Crazy (Free)
Time Savers Pack (HK$ 12.00)
Marvel Costume Pack 2 (HK$ 47.00 or HK$ 15.00 each)
• Elektra
• Ghost Rider
• Human Torch
• Spider-Man
• Thor
LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
Fruit Salad Pack (HK$ 23.00)
Fruit Salad Costume (free)
ModNation Racers
Princess Bundle (HK$ 14.00 or HK$ 8.00 each)
Sweet Tooth Bundle (HK$ 15.00)
Vamp Bundle (HK$ 14.00 or HK$ 8.00 each)
Naughty Bit Mode: Flippin’ Off (HK$ 15.00)
Character: Sergeant Jay (HK$ 8.00)
E3 2010
God of War Ghost of Sparta Promotional Video
Killzone 3 Gameplay Promotional Video
Kung Fu Rider Promotional Video
ModNation Racers BTS: Track Studio Promotional Video
ModNation Racers BTS: Share Promotional Video
Product Montage Promotional Video
PS3 Software Showcase Promotional Video
PS Move Montage Promotional Video
PSP Software Showcase Promotional Video
SOCOM 4 U.S. Navy SEALs Promotional Video