Developer Interview: Shoot 1UP
Posted by Ben on July 22nd, 2010 | 3 Comments | Tags:
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Nathan Fouts, the president of Mommy’s Best Games, makers of Xbox Live Indie Game Hit Shoot 1UP. Recently, it was “announced” that Shoot 1UP would be coming to the PSN, so I tracked down Nathan, and grilled him about the game (note: all the screenshots are from the XBLIG version, the PSN version should look even better!).
Q: How would you describe Shoot 1UP?
Nathan Fouts: It’s like snorting wasabi while looking through Heavy Metal magazine.
Q: What made you decide to bring Shoot 1UP to the PSN?
NF: I felt sorry for all those PS3 owners shooting so many bloomed-out 3d models. Thought they’d enjoy tearing up some gritty, hand-drawn art for a change.
Q: In terms of additions, what new features are you adding to the PSN release?
NF: NEW! NEW! NEW! Lots of that. (AKA, you’re ahead of the curve–it’s just too early to speak of yet.)
Q: As a fan of classic shoot-em-ups, particularly 1942 & Gradius, what sets Shoot 1UP apart from other titles in the genre?
NF: In shoot-em ups past, you control one ship, and any time you gain a 1UP, it’s stored in your reserve. In Shoot 1UP, as you gain new 1UPs, they instantly come into play. You can end up controlling up to 30 ships at once, and as you gain more ships, you can spread your formation apart and shoot the mega beamed “plasma auger” for even more destruction.
Q: I’m not sure you’re able to say yet, but when (roughly?) is the game set to hit PSN, and what price have you decided on? (The game cost very little on XBLIG, so what price range do you think it’ll come in at on PSN?)
NF: I hope within a year from now—we’ll see! As for cost, it will be more, but if the NEW NEW NEW features come through, it’ll be worth it! Check out the development of Shoot 1UP and Grapple Buggy on our dev log.