Blacklight: Tango Down delayed on PS3
Posted by Ben on July 5th, 2010 | 18 Comments | Tags: Blacklight: Tango Down
I hope you all weren’t too eagerly anticipating Blacklight: Tango Down’s release on PS3 this week. Though the game will be coming to other platforms this week, the PS3 release has unfortunately not been set a date at this time. When asked on twitter, one of the dev’s had this to say on the matter;
Everyone asking about PS3, that date will come very soon. I want it on the PS3 just as bad. we worked on the PC first (xbox shares systems)
So, I’d assume that the PSN version is likely to come roughly a month after the 360 version. Don’t worry, you’ll be playing the game soon enough, just not this week. We’ll keep you all posted as and when the game has a PS3 date. We have also contacted Ignition to see if there is a reason for the delay.
[Source: Twitter]