Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes Coming to PSN
Posted by Chris K on March 10th, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: Capy , Clash of Heroes
Capy is back! After releasing Critter Crunch on PSN last fall to much praise, Capy is taking their equally awesome DS game, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes, and bringing it to HD glory. IGN has a in-depth preview on the game, so I would definitely check that out.

Capy is planning on doing 3 things with this version of the game: Fix a few things, make it in HD, and expand on the Multiplayer mode. The DS version only supported 2 player multiplayer, so when bringing the game to HD consoles, Capy plans on beefing up the mulitplayer. Online and local play for up to four players, hell yes!
Hopefully after GDC is done, I can get some more details on the game. Right now it looks like it is due to be out sometime this summer.