Review: .detuned | PSNStores

Review: .detuned

Posted by on October 15th, 2009 | 4 Comments | Tags: ,

Developer: .theprodukkt
Release Date: October 15, 2009
Price: $2.99
Players: 1
Demo: No

What I liked:

  • The easy trophies (It took about 5 min to get all of them)
  • The price (Can’t beat $2.99)
  • It is a cool idea

What I didn’t like:

  • The annoying crank sound (Totally kills the mood; you can toggle it off)
  • The free visualizers on PS3 are better
  • No replay value
  • I wish you could listen to your music in demo mode (You can only listen to your music in interactive mode)

Since this isn’t really a game can’t recommend this unless you are a trophy fiend. The visualizer isn’t that great and after you play around with it once, I don’t see any reason to come back to it.

This game was purchased for review purposes.